Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Canker-worm - Beware!

Dear lovely people,

They will crawl onto the buds and leaves of trees, caressing them like old-time lovers then they will with time eat them up and kill the life out of them and become such a major pest. That’s the life style and nature of canker-worms.

Millions are those who have dreams to make themselves better, to move mountains and for short to change the world then what happens, they allow the canker-worms to crawl onto their dreams, caressing them like old-time lovers and then kill them.

Somebody said “Put a rose in a sack of fish and soon the rose will start to stink too. Be careful of the company you keep.” The canker-worms eating up your dreams could be your inertia, bad planning, wrong choices, lack of patience, lack of motivation and you name them. It’s often bad company too.

I have a way of eliminating bad company especially when I notice they constitute an obstacle to my path to success. I ask myself if they are really my friends. Are they supporting and enhancing my life or are they teaching me to think and behave in darker ways that I never thought I would? And if I have the wrong answers, I flush them off tactfully.

The company you keep is so important. Friends will change you in more ways than you know. It is something that affects each and every one of us. And, it is something that becomes more obvious the older I get. We all know that friends are important in our lives. They keep you company when you are bored and they love you when you are sick or sad. But this isn’t what I am talking about. I am talking about the fact that your friends are the most influential people in your life. You spend hours upon hours with these people and after a while you start to mimic their behavior. Your friends change you.

If your friend is not a real friend who walks in when the rest of the world walks out on you, then that friend is a canker-worm.

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