Monday, January 25, 2016

I Can Do It With Others!

Dear lovely people,

It was Nebafuh’s 25th job interview in eight months. He was so demoralized and unwilling to attend the interview. When I met him at the road junction, I could see a man who had given up on everything. It was in trying to inquire what the problem was that he explained things to me.

Five years had gone by since Nebahfuh left the university with a colorful Master’s degree and have been job hunting with no success. In his third year after graduation, he was offered a job with a low pay and he accepted out of frustration but unfortunately for him, the organization closed down just six months later and he was once again jobless.

Nebefuh told me everything was wrong with him that morning after having been through 24 tiresome interviews with no success. He told me he was not motivated at all to attend this particular interview and was still wondering on his way whether to return home and forget it. Hearing all of this, I asked him if he still had time before the interview and he told he could spare up to two hours. I sat him down to a frank talk.

I told him, that in life, success is almost always at the next turn from where you are certain it’s time to give up. You only need to push on despite all odds to attain it. I told him, he might have missed out on all the past interview but he should not neglect the fact that he had learned a lot maybe on how to structure his CV, on how to respond to questions better and how to relate his skills to the requirements of the potential employer. I made him understand that it takes more than just attending an interview to actually get the job. Your self-disposition and frame of mind matters a lot.

I explained to him that giving up on your dreams has never been a solution to anybody. There is not a single person I know on earth who succeeded by giving up. The only way to make it is to hang on even when all hope seems gone and even when you feel like the earth is clasping on you.

Lastly, I told him that when someone tells me ‘NO’, it doesn’t mean I can’t do it. It simply means I can’t do it with them. I told him to keep that at the center of his mind and to consider all the past failures as belonging to those who were not capable of working with him. I encouraged him to go to this one opportunity convinced that it is a job designed for him and an opportunity to work with the right people who will greatly appreciate what he has to offer in terms of skills.

It was an all smiling Nebafuh who left for the interview by the time I was done with him. He called me the next morning and I could feel the joy emanating from him. He had been recruited and would be starting work in two days.

At this point in time, you might have seen the worst side of failure, why not just consider it an opportunity to get to the right place where you truly belong. Dust up yourself and get moving, your success should be around the next corner eyeballing your footsteps towards it.

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