Friday, January 15, 2016

Ice Your Cake Always

Dear lovely people,

Imagine a wedding cake without the requisite icing, I wonder if there will be much to write home about it. A similar thing happens when you ignore the important part of icing the cake of your success.

Early that morning, Samson was set for the trip. At the moment he opened the car door, he noticed some liquid dripping lazily from his car around the area of the fuel tank. He examined it and confirmed it was fuel but the amount according to him was minute such that he estimated just a liter of fuel would be lost by the time he arrived destination. To him, this was insignificant and so off he went. Not acting to correct that minute detail at that moment almost cost him his life because his car was conflagrated on the way when he passed by a burning bush. The Rule: Little things that seem insignificant almost always matter.

These days, countless marriages are flushed down the drain simply because one or both partners could not bring themselves to say the “I love you” sentence. Can you imagine that? It is as simple as this; if you feel it, say it.  Take your significant other by the hands, look them deep into their eyes, and say it.  A smile is sure to appear on their face.  Three little words that can light up both your days and remind them of how much they are loved. Just some little icing that makes the marriage cake enjoyable.

Jovian is a friend who has this beautiful restaurant she invested so much resources to set up. It is located in a great neighborhood and her staff are all always elegantly dressed but there is an issue. She forgot to invest in the quality of service her staff provide. A cross-section of her staff are sluggish, arrogant to customers, often frown when you asked them to do anything and quarrel among themselves in the presence of clients. The consequences of Jovian’s incapacity to straighten out such a horrible combination of traits in her staff is that very few people – mostly those who are new in the neighborhood visit her restaurant often and thus, her business is suffering.

This is what John Oates has to say: “If you look over the years, the styles have changed - the clothes, the hair, the production, the approach to the songs. The icing to the cake has changed flavors. But if you really look at the cake itself, it's really the same.”

Millions are those who erroneously think that just because they have great dreams and work hard, success in whatever they do is guaranteed. Never fool yourself, finishing makes the difference. Success truly comes and is more satisfying when you pay great attention to details, when you don’t take things for granted and when you clearly understand that it’s an accumulation of the minute things you do daily that determine your future. That is why I agree with Laura Castoro when she says “Life is about the decisions we make to live passionately or passively…”

Now the question is: Where's your passion?

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