Monday, January 11, 2016

Get On Board

Dear lovely people,

I belong to the Christian Men Fellowship of our church. I particularly love one of the many songs we sing: 

Come and join us in the morning train (2x)
For the evening train may be too late
Come and join us in the morning train.

My brother jump in and take your seat
My Sister jump in and take your seat
For the evening train may be too late
Come and join us in the morning train.

While that song suits the context of encouraging many more people to join the herd of God’s people, it sometimes masks the work involved once you join the movement. Most of the times, those who step on-board a train are tired or catching up with one engagements or the other and so the time it takes the train to arrive their destination is considered some God-given time to rest and dose off. Others consider it time to read more or complete some work on the way.

The train of success is not like other trains. It is NOT for those who want to sleep off and let the train effortlessly carry them to destination or any destination. Once you get on-board, it’s time to take part in loading coal into the engines that will propel your train to the right destination and on time. Nobody gets onto a train without knowing the destination. Even when you know your destination, you want to ensure that you get off at the right stop.

Once you’ve boarded the train of success with your luggage of dreams, plans, strategies and expectations, it’s just the beginning of the work you have to do along the journey: reviewing locations, reviewing your plans, knowing where all the pitfalls are, learning each time you hit a stone wall and correcting course, learning from your neighbors rather than fighting or envying them, not getting off before destination just because you saw a site that looked beautiful and inviting and of course putting all these elements and more together in the right doses such that you arrive your destination in good time, good standing and healthy.

Get on-board the success train today, for the right reasons, with the right frame of mind and ready to do the right things in the right sequence. You will be at the right destination before you know it.

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