Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Are You A Flute Player?

Dear lovely people,

Tom was very brave and intelligent. One day, while promenading and reflecting about his life, he went far into the forest. Just then a jackal saw him. He decided to eat the boy and came in his way. When Tom saw that he had no way to save himself and that he was stuck, he said to the jackal, "Brother, I am not afraid of death but I want to die peacefully. So, I want to play my flute and dance to its tune. Then you can eat me."

The jackal permitted him. In the split of that second and unknown to the jackal, Tom decided to play a song that for always summons his dog. As soon as Tom started playing his flute, his dog came running. The gigantic dog saw the jackal and leapt on it. The jackal ran for his life while Tom returned home with his dog smiling to the power of his wit.

Just like Tom, you can trust that once in a while, I feel “stuck.” I mean really stuck. When I started examining the feeling critically, I came to realize that “being stuck” is a label I give to a natural part of life. It’s a time when not much happens. The anxiety comes when I think it should be otherwise. I start to force myself to work, to come up with ideas, and to make things happen.

Each time I don’t get anywhere with what I want, I call it being stuck. So, what is being stuck except the way I perceive life? Having gone through many of such periods, I have grown through it and today, I struggle less, because I’m beginning to let it be. It’s actually the process of letting it be that frees up my mind and enable me churn out solutions each time such as, soliciting or leveraging the knowhow of those in my network. I guess my little friend Tom, approaches such moments similarly. What about you?

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