Friday, May 27, 2016

I Could Not

Dear lovely people,

So often I hear people blushingly conclude “I could Not” do this and that. The truth is, it the only part that gets hard right before success.  Everyone who stops at the point where you say "I Could Not" is called a failure, and those who move beyond it are people who succeed.

The option is just one: choose something, keep trying, and commit to success.  Analyze what made you fail, and be determined to succeed. There is no other way out. No matter what you decide to do, you just have to learn how to proceed when things get really difficult.

“I Could Not” is a feeling deep within your heart, one you try to ignore, of heaviness, of dread and discouragement, of sadness and guilt and collapse. I feel this heaviness in my chest when I fail. All because I could not pushed the frontiers, I hastily concluded “I Could Not.”

It can make you feel like crying. You feel lonely and you want to give up. You want to fall on a bed and shut out the world. But that doesn’t work, because the feeling follows you into bed, and actually intensifies until finally you have to get out of bed to try to escape it. I know, Failure can hurt.

There is just one solution to it all; ACTION. That’s not always easy I know, because when you have the heavy feeling, you don’t feel like taking action at all. You take the action anyway. You take it because you know if you don’t, you feel worse, and eventually your life degrades to the point where you don’t respect yourself anymore. You take the action anyway.

Pope John XXIII inspiringly said “Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do.”

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